Clark Media Productions

Clark Media Productions is a place for me to share my love of audio production, music, trombone, and music technology. Subscribe to my email list for late breaking blog posts, videos, and educational content!

Filtering by Category: Goal Setting

I am NOT talented!

Don't you hate when someone says, "ohhhh, that guy, he's sooooo talented!"  The fact may be, you know "that guy" put in thousands of hours of work over many years to get there... So, is it Talent, or Work?  Comments are always appreciated!  

If you haven't already, take a moment to subscribe to my email list.  I am releasing a new e-course for beginner trombonists in the next couple of weeks, and I'm planning a discount for my faithful email subscribers.  Click SUBSCRIBE to add your name to the list, and you'll be the first to get any new content or special offers.  Thanks so much for reading!

It's either HELL YES, or NO!

As always, thanks for watching!  Check out my new e-course for beginning trombonists, the Pathfinder Course, here.  Release date is going to be around September 9.  I'm planning a special introductory offer of the course for anyone who joins my mailing list by September 1st!  Click here or sign up at the bottom of the page, or on Facebook.

One of my guiding principals is the ability to say NO to things that don't make me go, "HELL YES!!!" Let's discuss it! Do you have guidelines you use for committing to projects and things that people approach you about being a part of?

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