Clark Media Productions

Clark Media Productions is a place for me to share my love of audio production, music, trombone, and music technology. Subscribe to my email list for late breaking blog posts, videos, and educational content!

New George Hamilton Green rags for xylophone and brass quintet, arranged by Jon Bisesi

It’s always awesome to see great musicians that are genuinely excited about what they are playing. It’s even better to see them take music that might be unfamiliar to many people, make it their own, and put it out into the world.  

I had the pleasure of producing audio and video (as well as playing trombone) for my friend Jon’s recordings of 4 arrangements he made of rags for xylophone and brass quintet.  The rags were written by George Hamilton Green, a virtuoso xylophone soloist that was born in 1892.   

May 23 is George Hamilton Green’s 125th birthday!  Happy birthday, George! (He passed away in 1970)...

Recording personnel are: James McClarty and Chris Larrios (trumpets), Mark Questad (horn), myself on trombone, and Will Samson (tuba).

Many thanks to Will Samson for helping greatly with the audio engineering...I couldn’t have done it without you!

For more info about Jon’s arrangements, go HERE.


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